The Campaign for Prismid Sanctuary

We’re building a sanctuary to ensure that sovereignty of the land and our community of BIPOC artists/cultural-workers are sustained over time.

Aerial photo by Jason Hill; Renderings courtesy of Allied Works Architects

Thank You to Our Funding Partners! 

1803 Fund

ArtsHere I National Endowment for the Arts

The Collins Foundation

Ronni Lacroute

Marie Lamfrom Foundation

Mellon Foundation 

Meyer Memorial Trust 

Oregon Community Foundation

Oregon Metro

Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF)

Reimagine Oregon I Prosper Portland

600+ Local & National Individual Supporters

Anonymous Foundation Support + Partners 

Our Campaign Values

We honor our forebearers. We acknowledge histories of under-representation in funding. We are building a funding model that is sustainable, sovereign, intergenerational. We know what we need to thrive. We move towards abolition & decolonization. We give ourselves trust and permission to name, ask, and receive what we need to thrive in the present on behalf of the future.

If you'd like to help sustain
our work, please reach out
to our development team:

Please click here to receive more info about our current funding vision "Thriving in the Present on Behalf of the Future”